The strength of our body's bones is determined by two main factors: bone density and bone quality. Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that is associated with low bone mass and destruction of bone tissue infrastructure, resulting in increased fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Osteoporosis is diagnosed using a bone mineral density test. The risk of osteoporosis increases with age. Studies show that by age 60, half of all white women have reduced bone mass or osteoporosis. The high costs that osteoporosis imposes on society and individuals pose a challenge to public health, especially since most patients with osteoporosis are not treated. Fractures are the most important symptom of osteoporosis in old age. Fractures due to osteoporosis also occur with minor injuries such as falling from a standing position. Spinal fractures can occur without falls or special injuries, even during normal daily activities. Fractures associated with osteoporosis often lead to pain, disability and reduced quality of life. Pelvic fractures are one of the most serious consequences of osteoporosis, which leads to loss of independence and useful years of life. Early detection of osteoporosis is very important. Early diagnosis, especially if accompanied by treatment and following a doctor's instructions, can reduce the risk of spontaneous fractures, reduce the economic costs of the family and the health system, reduce dependence and loss of independence, and reduce mortality in individuals. Be at risk. Clinical examination, history taking, and evaluation of risk factors for osteoporosis are recommended in all women over 50 and men over 70. Many of the factors that lead to osteoporosis can be corrected. Osteoporosis can be prevented by lifestyle modification and its complications such as fractures can be controlled. Lifestyle changes can improve skeletal muscle integrity and balance. Actions such as adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular exercise of weight bearing, strength and balance to maintain bone strength and prevent future fractures. Smoking should also be avoided to eliminate the potential risks of fractures. This "healthy bone" lifestyle is important not only for people with low bone mass and osteoporosis but for everyone. Do not let osteoporosis affect you. Consult your doctor if you are at risk for osteoporosis.